Ali Abbas Zafar’s upcoming film ‘Bharat’ is Salman Khan’s most awaited project this year. While the makers have been giving glimpses of the film through its first looks and teaser, fans are eagerly waiting for the trailer of the film.The filmmaker recently revealed that the trailer will be unveiled in the third week of April. It will be out on April 24. However, according to reports, what is more interesting is that the makers will also be attaching the trailer to the biggest Hollywood film in recent times – ‘Avengers- Endgame’.The trailer of ‘Bharat’ will reportedly be showcased with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ from April 26. Apart from Salman Khan, the film also stars Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani, Tabu, Jackie Shroff, Sunil Grover and others in pivotal roles.
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